Pure End of Tenancy CleaningPure End of Tenancy Cleaning

In-Depth Guide to Successful End of Tenancy Cleaning in London

End of Tenancy Cleaning London

Moving out is a true pain in the neck. With the variety of requirements you need to meet, there is just so much to do to make sure you have smooth shifting. One such requirement is “end of tenancy cleaning in london“. As the name indicates, this cleaning is one of the requirements that you need to do before leaving your property. 

There are various areas where local rules make the landlord responsible for the tenancy cleaning. However, the majority of areas all across London make the tenants responsible for tenancy cleaning. If it is your first time moving out then we are pretty sure you would be confused as hell where to start, or what to do. If that’s the case, don’t worry, we have got you covered. This in-depth guide will help you learn everything you need to know. So, let’s just get straight into it. 

What is end of tenancy cleaning?

Brief overview, This cleaning is done at the end of the lease before moving out of the property. Compared to general cleaning, this cleaning is more comprehensive and detailed. You need to make sure that you are returning the property in its immaculate state. This calls for professional cleaning services. 

You can do this cleaning on your own, but that is just so much work. So, if you have time then you can do it on your own. If not, then it would be wise of you to have the professional services. “Pure end of tenancy cleaning” offers great services in this regard. So, either you can stress yourself managing other things with this cleaning on your plate. Or you can simply reach us to have an easy and quick solution. The choice is yours. 

Ways to have a successful tenancy cleaning

There are a variety of ways through which you could make sure that your end of tenancy cleaning is perfect in every way. It will guarantee you your deposit back in full and avoid any kind of dispute or problems with your landlord. So, the ways to get successful tenancy cleaning are;

Planning and preparation

For starters, you should make sure that you do your inspection thoroughly. You should assess your place in detail and make a checklist that will cover all the areas that should be covered. Moreover, you should see your leasing agreement to include all the little details your landlord wants you to cover as per your leasing agreement. This will help you establish a plan or list of things that you have to do. Or you can ask your service provider to make them complete no matter what. 

Start early

Make sure to leave some buffer time between the day of service and the day when you plan out everything. This is possible only if you start a little early. Commonly you can plan out your cleaning protocol a month before your date of moving out. This will give you enough time to assess the condition of your place. In case it is beyond your limits to do the work on your own, you can get the help of respectable professionals.

Generally, reputable service providers like us require an advance booking. We follow a certain protocol where we inspect first and then decide the amount of work your property may need. This, of course, requires time, so you need to start the procedure a little early to get your desired work. 


It is one of the best things you can do to make things easier for yourself. At the time of “tenancy cleaning or moving out” you won’t have time to organize your place. You need to get rid of useless things beforehand to make things easy for you at the time of cleaning. Whether you do the cleaning on your own or hire our services, this step is quite significant. Though our professionals provide comprehensive cleaning services but nonetheless they won’t declutter for you. 

Also, even if you do the cleaning on your own, decluttering at the time of cleaning would be difficult. Thus, it is better that you start decluttering your place a little early before moving out. This will make things way easier for you. 

Dust and vacuum

It is one of the most basic yet most important aspects of tenancy cleaning. Being thorough with it allows you to cover various things in detail. Especially if you are doing tenancy cleaning on your own this step would be of great help. However, if you are hiring our professionals then you can relax as our professionals are experts in what they do. They would offer you detailed dusting and vacuuming services, which ensures your place would be speck-free. 

Window and floor maintenance 

Generic cleaning of windows floor is the part of this cleaning. However, this generic cleaning is not enough. You need to be thorough when the windows and floor are in question. These little details are what make the place look well put at the end. So, if you are DIY the cleaning then be careful with their flawless cleaning.

Or if you are hiring services then ask them to be super careful about these two things. Though with pure end of tenancy cleaning you won’t even need to ask anything. Our experts will deal with everything on their own. 

Final inspection

An inspection before the inspection by your landlord is an important thing you can do to make your end of tenancy cleaning successful. It will allow you to find all the shortcomings and loopholes before your landlord or property manager. You would be able to address all the problems and avoid any kind of dispute with your landlord.


In the end, it is safe to say that end of tenancy cleaning holds extreme importance. However, to make it successful you need to follow certain things. Only then you can have the assurance that you get your full deposit back. Moreover, you can maintain your reputation as a potential renter by having professional tenancy cleaning services. So, reach us today to guarantee the success of your end of tenancy cleaning. Looking forward to hearing from you. 

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